Object ID SVG ID Sequence number Name Geographic object geographic object id Placename Depicts person Text Location
63 path20 1 Chrysokhou Bay Chrysochou (Gulf) in Pafos (District) 131 Κόλπος Χρυσοχούς SRID=4326;POINT (32.39942 35.08013)
64 path22 2 Cape Arnaoutis Arnaoutis (Cape) in Pafos (District) 1 Ακρωτήρι Αρναούτι SRID=4326;POINT (32.28465 35.10546)
65 path24 3 Cape Pomos Pomos (Cape) in Pafos (District) 132 SRID=4326;POINT (32.55537 35.1756)
Source identifier Sylvia Ioannou Foundation collection  B.0174 c
Additional identifier crop2
Original title(s) Views of Cyprus. From Sketches By H. Harper.
Given title(s) West coastline of Cyprus

The coastal geomorphology of the west coast is presented. Extrusions of the relief (hills, mountains) in three levels as we see towards the mainland. No evidence of human activities.

How to cite this page

Leighton G., Bayle J., Harper H., Ingram H., (1878). West coastline of Cyprus. Source: (Retrieved: 23-02-2025)

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