Object ID SVG ID Sequence number Name Geographic object geographic object id Placename Depicts person Text Location
33 dg50uQfvs 1 Lighthouse Greco (Lighthouse) in Famagusta (District) 111 Greca SRID=4326;POINT (34.0850442719755 34.95712062819354)
34 fkmWZUJod 2 Cape Greco Kavo Gkreko (Cape) in Famagusta (District) 110 Greca SRID=4326;POINT (34.08525 34.9562)
35 bcsFAQdQU 3 Table cliff Greco (Raised formation) in Famagusta (District) 112 Table cliff SRID=4326;POINT (34.06592548612018 34.96228204526412)
36 dZpApEbZC 4 Phanos hill Fanos (Hill) in Famagusta (District) 113 SRID=4326;POINT (34.02994 35.00595)
Source identifier Sylvia Ioannou Foundation collection  M.0020
Additional identifier crop7
Original title(s) Hydrographic Office, 1892, London, British Admiralty
Given title(s) Cape Greco

This representation pictures the cardinal geomorphology of Cape Greco coastal zone.

How to cite this page

Potter J., Kitchener H., Weller E., Wharton W., Graves T., (1892). Cape Greco. Source: https://gaia.hua.gr/en/coastal_cyprus/visualrepresentation/18 (Retrieved: 22-02-2025)

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