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Object ID SVG ID Sequence number Name Geographic object geographic object id Placename Depicts person Text Location
37 c1MAIpcbI3 1 Tekke Unnamed (Mosque) in Famagusta (District) 157 SRID=4326;POINT (33.93948999999999 35.11633)
38 kFyOhFtKG 2 Camposanto Bastion Kamposanto (Bastion) in Famagusta (City) in Famagusta (District) 81 Camposanto SRID=4326;POINT (33.94577325110377 35.12194911477624)
39 b3B20PPiu 3 Djambulat’s Bastion Cambulat Tabyasi (Bastion) in Famagusta (City) in Famagusta (District) 80 Djanbulat SRID=4326;POINT (33.94756496672589 35.12302409788848)
40 aDOofbvgb 4 Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque (Cathedral of Saint Nicholas ) Lala Mustafa Pasa Camii (Mosque) in Famagusta (City) in Famagusta (District) 96 Άγιος Νικόλαος SRID=4326;POINT (33.94268 35.12489)
41 c1aE5gLyZG 5 Porta del Mare (Sea Gate) Pyli tis Thalassis (Gate) in Famagusta (City) in Famagusta (District) 100 Porta del Mare SRID=4326;POINT (33.94460380797327 35.12600326265459)
42 a5zyElwLoo 6 Saint Anna Agia Anna (Gothic church) in Famagusta (City) in Famagusta (District) 107 Agia Anna SRID=4326;POINT (33.937470000000005 35.12577399999999)
43 c3rAceLWpM 7 Saint Mary (Armenian Church) St Mary of Carmel (Church) in Famagusta (City) in Famagusta (District) 108 St Mary of Carmel SRID=4326;POINT (33.93633 35.12729)
44 a1zn7Y7tG9 8 Othello Castle Pyrgos tou Othellou (Castle) in Famagusta (City) in Famagusta (District) 93 Othello Castle SRID=4326;POINT (33.94336 35.12778)
45 a30wgfhhHU 9 Rock islets Rocky islets at Famagusta port entrance (Group of islands) in Famagusta (District) 97 SRID=4326;POINT (33.95269335036232 35.1262928369235)
46 g34otUfUcB 10 Stadonna Bastion Stadonna (Bastion) in Famagusta (City) in Famagusta (District) 92 SRID=4326;POINT (33.94128323321528 35.12893405773893)
Source identifier Sylvia Ioannou Foundation collection  M.0020
Additional identifier crop5
Original title(s) Hydrographic Office, 1892, London, British Admiralty
Given title(s) Famagusta

This representation realistically pictures typical landmarks alongside the coastal zone.

How to cite this page

Potter J., Kitchener H., Weller E., Wharton W., Graves T., (1892). Famagusta. Source: (Retrieved: 08-02-2025)

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