Object ID SVG ID Sequence number Name Geographic object geographic object id Placename Depicts person Text Location
129 b9dIgtETx 1 Kantara Castle Kantara (Castle) in Famagusta (District) 77 SRID=4326;POINT (33.92371 35.40683)
130 c1ftOXhQO 2 Agios Photos (peak) Agios Fotios (Peak) in Famagusta (District) 78 SRID=4326;POINT (33.95833000000003 35.42082999999996)
131 a3dasWyRRo 3 Kavallaropetra peak Kavallaropetra (Peak) in Famagusta (District) 79 SRID=4326;POINT (34.0042 35.43959)
132 fc4B53nAs 4 Pamboulos peak Pamboulos (Peak) in Famagusta (District) 101 SRID=4326;POINT (34.25509 35.52983)
133 b1dQu9nLz2 5 Cape Galounopetra Galounopetra (Cape) in Famagusta (District) 103 SRID=4326;POINT (34.56206 35.64159)
134 b2f4bIHE5D 6 Monastery of Apostle Andreas Apostolos Andreas (Monastery) in Famagusta (District) 104 SRID=4326;POINT (34.5743 35.6592)
135 d3qOOxdbHJ 7 Kastros Kastros (Raised formation) in Famagusta (District) 145 SRID=4326;POINT (34.5859 35.69442)
136 j6riIgxQm 8 Apostle Andreas Cape Apostolos Andreas (Cape) in Famagusta (District) 105 SRID=4326;POINT (34.58721 35.69456)
137 baZkXc9jR 9 Klides islands Kleides (Group of islands) in Famagusta (District) 106 SRID=4326;POINT (34.60307 35.70623)
Source identifier Sylvia Ioannou Foundation collection  M.0020
Additional identifier crop6
Original title(s) Hydrographic Office, 1892, London, British Admiralty
Given title(s) Southern coastline of Karpasia peninsula

In this representation, the southern coastline of Karpasia peninsula is pictured.

How to cite this page

Potter J., Kitchener H., Weller E., Wharton W., Graves T., (1892). Southern coastline of Karpasia peninsula. Source: https://gaia.hua.gr/en/coastal_cyprus/visualrepresentation/23 (Retrieved: 14-02-2025)

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