Object ID SVG ID Sequence number Name Geographic object geographic object id Placename Depicts person Text Location
47 d2kAKG22p 1 Kerynia castle Kyrenia Castle (Castle) in Kerynia (City) in Kerynia (District) 76 SRID=4326;POINT (33.32259 35.34168)
48 b1rJ2dLihn 2 Port tower Port tower (Tower) in Kerynia (District) 146 SRID=4326;POINT (33.32055 35.34255)
49 d8hyGJHE1 3 Agha Cafer Pasha Mosque (Saint Catherine) Cafer Pasa (Mosque) in Kerynia (District) 33 SRID=4326;POINT (33.32060299999996 35.34119999999999)
50 b1Q25iEVl 4 Round Tower Round Tower (Tower) in Kerynia (District) 147 SRID=4326;POINT (33.319306 35.340437)
51 bYezlHpWQ 5 Jetty West jetty block of Keryneia (Jetty) in Kerynia (City) in Kerynia (District) 50 SRID=4326;POINT (33.319419 35.343096)
52 e1W3PMhPrk 6 Ancient seawall Ancient seawall (Fortification structure) in Kerynia (District) 148 SRID=4326;POINT (33.321983 35.342807)
Source identifier Sylvia Ioannou Foundation collection  M.0020
Original title(s) Hydrographic Office, 1892, London, British Admiralty
Given title(s) Map of Kerynia

This map depicts the principal urban structure features of the city.

How to cite this page

Potter J., Kitchener H., Weller E., Wharton W., Graves T., (1892). Map of Kerynia. Source: https://gaia.hua.gr/en/coastal_cyprus/visualrepresentation/24 (Retrieved: 18-01-2025)

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