Object ID SVG ID Sequence number Name Geographic object geographic object id Placename Depicts person Text Location
16 bHpx2a7sQ 1 Kerynia castle Kyrenia Castle (Castle) in Kerynia (City) in Kerynia (District) 76 SRID=4326;POINT (33.32259 35.34168)
17 gMYPpmueu 2 Agha Cafer Pasha Mosque (Saint Catherine) Cafer Pasa (Mosque) in Kerynia (District) 33 SRID=4326;POINT (33.32060299999996 35.34119999999999)
1 b3BI1OlLLq 3 Keryneia old city Kerynia (City) in Kerynia (District) 30 SRID=4326;POINT (33.31899 35.34111)
2 d1SfVWf0g 4 Panagia Glykiotissa Panagia Glykiotissa (Church) in Kerynia (District) 31 SRID=4326;POINT (33.29965 35.34358)
3 eKEA0JZCv 5 Buffavento peak Buffavento (Peak) in Kerynia (District) 34 SRID=4326;POINT (33.40989 35.28736)
4 eDuTonhhE 6 Kazaphani Kazafani (Village) in Kerynia (District) 36 SRID=4326;POINT (33.35 35.31667)
5 a2XqqH6LSH 7 Bellapais Abbey Bella pays (Abbey) in Kerynia (District) 37 SRID=4326;POINT (33.35545 35.30737)
7 aiM1bkSZ8 8 Kakoskala peak Moutti tis Kakoskalas (Peak) in Kerynia (District) 38 SRID=4326;POINT (33.3889 35.2884)
6 b1mP29xSNI 9 Trypa Vounou peak Trypa tou Voynoy (Peak) in Kerynia (District) 6 SRID=4326;POINT (33.33734 35.29529)
8 dp17Hcm6 10 Puskullu Puskullu (Village) in Kerynia (District) 39 SRID=4326;POINT (33.33595 35.33203)
9 b1AZgtUDcw 11 Karakoumi Karakoumi (Village) in Kerynia (District) 40 SRID=4326;POINT (33.3421 35.33461)
15 b3dN7b80yv 12 Hazreti Omer Tekke (Agioi Fanentes) Hazireti Omer (Tekke) in Kerynia (District) 41 SRID=4326;POINT (33.38712 35.33576)
10 b3prhPzEOh 13 Pentadaktylos peak Pentadaktylos (Peak) in Kerynia (District) 42 SRID=4326;POINT (33.47194 35.28798)
11 eeXLWzw4x 14 Yaila peak Giailas (Peak) in Kerynia (District) 43 SRID=4326;POINT (33.54507 35.29278)
12 dCIlRYRiq 15 cultivated land Unnamed (Cultivated land) in Kerynia (District) 149 SRID=4326;POINT (33.37268999999996 35.32005999999999)
13 b1wnh39M0f 16 Saint Hilarion Castle Agios Ilarion (Castle) in Kerynia (District) 8 SRID=4326;POINT (33.28164 35.31264)
14 dDCy3c2aN 17 Agios Georgios Agios Georgios (Village) in Kerynia (District) 150 SRID=4326;POINT (33.27531 35.34225)
18 bxfLdPFz1 18 Kato Livadia Kato Livadia (Village) in Kerynia (District) 44 SRID=4326;POINT (33.306496 35.33879)
19 d2fCiUVWcx 19 Lazania Lazania (Village) in Kerynia (District) 45 SRID=4326;POINT (33.291765 35.339464)
20 20 Agios Epiktitos vicinity Agios Epiktitos (Village) in Kerynia (District) 46 SRID=4326;POINT (33.39034 35.32071)
Source identifier Sylvia Ioannou Foundation collection  M.0020
Additional identifier crop2
Original title(s) Hydrographic Office, 1892, London, British Admiralty
Given title(s) Kerynia, northern coastline of Cyprus

This representation depicts a quite large part of the northern coastline of Cyprus. The Pentadaktylos Mountain range is also visible.

How to cite this page

Potter J., Kitchener H., Weller E., Wharton W., Graves T., (1892). Kerynia, northern coastline of Cyprus. Source: https://gaia.hua.gr/en/coastal_cyprus/visualrepresentation/6 (Retrieved: 08-02-2025)

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